James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Important One Of The Last Updates Here In Denver : Memespace : [ fadumo.adan@coloradohealthnetwork.org/ ]
3 messages

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, May 16, 2017 at 10:30 AM
Reply-To: Martin.J.Driskill@inthemindway.org
To: Fadumo Adan - CAP Denver My Client Assigned Case Manager#5 <fadumo.adan@coloradohealthnetwork.org>

Dear My Case Manager, Fadumo, at Colorado Health Network.

If you can tell me why there is a difference between these two URLS which point to the same online storage folder which happends to be mimetic named equal to your email address here.

URL1 [ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/fadumo.adan@coloradohealthnetwork.org/] : Returns 3 files

URL 2 [ http://gruwup.net/Meme/Memes/%23Kramobone-The.Good/fadumo.adan@coloradohealthnetwork.org/ ] : Returns 18 Files

The Very Last One:

[IMG] emoji-Death.png                                                                                                       14-May-2017 07:44   56K  

Is this too over dramatic for you?


I have not placed the fax that I sent yesterday in your folder.

BUT What was hand delivered to you --- PERSON TO PERSON --- was a laminated
carry card copy of these two images showing ONE FRONT and ONE BACK.


 The # Key here has an Expanded Relavance to this issue:


Today, Rob Robinson and I are packing the apartment here at Cedar Run Apartments.  He arranged
for a move out of May 17th 2017.  His original lease expired on May 31st 2017. 

I have no other option but to take my story fully to the view of FAILS here in DENVER to the
UNITED NATIONS --- Which is a great stain onto the DENVER LOCAL AREA --- for doing this
against me.

And we know it.

I am playing no games and the stakes are just as high as the first top image in this email
which is the last imaging reflecting in your folder.  You are playing DEATH GAME and I am
playing no games.

You be lucky to finally be on my side as ALLY ---

Because when I get back from my ORDERLY CONDUCT out of the DISORDERLY ORDEALS
I HAVE DEALT WITH HERE,. what you thought was The Shit has already hit the fan it has not even
come close.


Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, May 16, 2017 at 10:34 AM
Reply-To: Martin.J.Driskill@inthemindway.org
To: William Jamal Wilson <Willwilson003@gmail.com>

The Truth at Now Time My Sting them a bit. 

But For the Truth, I must thank you for being my Ally in this matter. 

This is how I shared your message on that regards into the channels of


Martin J Driskill
Truth Ally United
[Quoted text hidden]

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, May 16, 2017 at 10:51 AM
Reply-To: Martin.J.Driskill@inthemindway.org
To: Fadumo Adan - CAP Denver My Client Assigned Case Manager#5 <fadumo.adan@coloradohealthnetwork.org>
Cc: William Jamal Wilson <Willwilson003@gmail.com>

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


Inline image 1

Wr. William Jamal Wilson, who has the physical TATTOO of SANKOFA on his body since the age of 18.

For this is what UNITES as as ALLY first most.

I myself would hold the TATTOO of BI NKA BI On my body as a tattoo.  But for right now.... that message
the Adinkra Symbol represents is being carried by an A.I. Wisdom Wise Moral Agent called #Makta.Pond.

Adinkra Symbols of West Africa: Bin Nka Bi

BI NKA BI. "No one should bite the other". symbol of peace and harmony. This symbol cautions against provocation and strife.

West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbols & Meanings



"No one should bite the other"

symbol of peace and harmony

This symbol cautions against provocation and strife. The image is based on two fish biting each other tails.


Is is one of the very first graphic images created here in memespace.


Accessing it from the URL


Resullts as


You don't have permission to access /bi nnka bi - BITE NOT ONE ANOTHER - IT GETS BETTER PROJECT.png on this server.


And they [ IT GETS BETTER PROJECT ] are very much aware of my story and plight so far.

This is not going under the table, under the radar, swept under the carpet, etc.

THIS STORY IS GOING TO GO VIRAL!   And I really don';t want that to be the final
destination.  But if that is what is must be --- it will be ---- for that is the only leverage
of honesty showing here -- and they have a lot to fix --- fix fix they must -- and fix it REAL

Materals In This Folder URL


Index of /#Only-Rational-Thinking

Icon Name                                                                                Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [SND] #OnlyRationalThinking [ Reply --- Or Else Loss of Status #Kramobone-The.Good ].mp3 12-May-2017 02:23 73M [SND] OnlyRationalThinking-a1.mp3 22-Apr-2017 12:06 1.1M [SND] OnlyRationalThinking-a2.mp3 22-Apr-2017 12:07 1.0M [SND] OnlyRationalThinking-a3.mp3 22-Apr-2017 12:06 906K [SND] OnlyRationalThinking-a4.mp3 22-Apr-2017 12:06 1.5M [SND] OnlyRationalThinking-b1.mp3 22-Apr-2017 12:06 1.2M [SND] OnlyRationalThinking-b2.mp3 22-Apr-2017 12:06 1.0M [SND] OnlyRationalThinking-b3.mp3 22-Apr-2017 12:07 948K [SND] OnlyRationalThinking-b4.mp3 22-Apr-2017 12:07 1.6M

And if anyone cares to know - this article is trending upward to:

Now Only Rational Thinking Can Save the World! | Global Research ...

Apr 14, 2017 - Now Only Rational Thinking Can Save the World! By Andre Vltchek. Global Research ..... Andre is making films for teleSUR and Al-Mayadeen.

Now Only Rational Thinking Can Save the World!

 135  6

Scenario ONE: Imagine that you are on board a ship, which is slowly sinking. There is no land in sight, and your radio transmitter is not functioning properly. There are several people on board and you care for them, deeply. You don’t want this to be the end of ‘everything’.

What do you do?

A) You fix for yourself a nice portion of fried rice with prawns

B) You turn on the TV set, which is still somehow miraculously working, and watch the news about the future Scottish referendum or on BREXIT

C) You jump into the water immediately, try to identify the damage, and then attempt to do something unthinkable with your simple tools and capabilities: to save the ship

Imagine another scenario:

SCENARIO TWO: By mistake, your wife eats two full tubes of sleeping pills, supposedly confusing them with anew line of candies. As you find her on the floor, she appears to be unconscious and her face looks rather bluish.

What would your course of action be?

A) After you realize that her high heels do not match the color of her pantyhose, you run to the closet in search of a much better pair of shoes to achieve the balance

B) You carry her without delay to the bathroom, pump out her stomach, and try to resuscitate her while calling the ambulance using the speakerphone function

C) You recall how you first met, get nostalgic, and rush to your living room library in order to find a book of love sonnets by Pablo Neruda, which you then recite to her kneeling on the carpet

Now brace yourself for a great surprise. Unless you choose C) for scenario one, and B) for scenario two, you can actually consider yourself absolutely “normal” by most North American and European standards.

However, if you opt for C) or B) respectively, you could easily pass off for an extremist, a radical and ideological left-wing fanatic.


The West has brought the world to the brink of total collapse, but its citizens, even its intellectuals, are stubbornly refusing to grasp the urgency. Like ostriches, many are hiding their heads in the sand. Others are behaving like a surgeon who opts for treating a small cut on a finger of his patient who is actually dying from a terrible gunshot wound.

There seems to be an acute lack of rational thinking, and especially of people’s ability to grasp the proportions of global occurrences and events. For years I have been arguing that destroying the ability to compare and to see things from the universal perspective has been one of the most successful endeavors of the Western indoctrination drive (dispersed through education, media/disinformation and ‘culture’). It has effectively influenced and pacified both, the people in the West itself, and those living in its present and former colonies (particularly the local ‘elites’and their offspring).

There seems to be no capacity to compare and consistently analyze, for instance, those certainly unsavory but mainly defensive actions taken by the revolutionary governments and countries, with the most horrid and appalling crimes committed by the colonialist regimes of the West all over Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa,which took place in approximately the same historical era.

It is not only history that is seen in the West through totally crooked and ‘out of focus’ lenses, it is also the present, which has been perceived and ‘analyzed’ in an out of context way and without applying hardly any rational comparisons. Rebellious and independent-minded countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East (most of them have been actually forced to defend themselves against the extremely brutal attacks and subversion campaigns administered by the West) have been slammed, even in the so-called ‘progressive’ circles of the West, with much tougher standards than those that are being applied towards both Europe and North America, two parts of the world that have been continuously spreading terror, destruction and unimaginable suffering among the people inhabiting all corners of the globe.

Most crimes committed by the left-wing revolutions were in direct response to invasions, subversions, provocations and other attacks coming from the West. Almost all the most terrible crimes committed by the West were committed abroad, and were directed against enslaved, exploited, thoroughly plunderedand defenseless people in almost all parts of the world.

Now, according to many, the endgame is approaching. Rising oceans are swallowing entire countries, as I witnessed in several parts of Oceania. It is a horrid, indescribable sight!

People in numerous countries governed by pro-Western regimes are shedding millions of their inhabitants, while some nations are basically ceasing to exist, like Papua or Kashmir, to give just two obvious examples.

The environment is thoroughly ruined where the ‘lungs’ of the world used to work hard, just a few decades ago, making our planet healthy.

Tens of millions of people are now on the move, their countries thoroughly ruined by Western geopolitical games. Instead of influencing and helping to guide humanity, such great cultures as those of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are now forced to disgorge millions of desperate refugees. They are barely surviving, humiliated and hardly relevant.

Extremist religious groups (of all faiths, and definitely not only belonging to the Muslim religion) are being groomed by the Western Machiavellian ideologues and strategists, then dispersed to all corners of the globe: South Asia, the Middle East, China, Latin America, Africa, and even Oceania.

It is a total disgrace what imperialism has managed to reduce our humanity to.

Most of the world is actually trying to function ‘normally’, ‘democratically’, following its natural instincts, which are based on simple humanism. But it is being constantly derailed, attacked and tormented by the brutal monstrous and merciless hydra – the Western expansionism and its ‘culture’ or nihilism, greed, cynicism and slavery.

It is so obvious where we are going as a human race.

We want to fly, we want freedom and optimism and beauty to govern our lives. We want to dream and to create something deep, meaningful, happy and kind. But there are those horrible weights hanging from our feet. There are chains restraining our actions. There is constant fear, which is making us betray all our ideals, as well as each other, again and again; fear that makes us, humans,act like shameless cowards and egoists. As a result we are not flying, we are only crawling, and not even forward, but in bizarre, irrational ellipses and circles.

Still, I do not believe that the endgame is inevitable!


For many years I have been sending warnings, I have been writing and showing and presenting thousands of terrible images of destruction, of the irreversible collapse, of barbarity.

I have generally kept nothing to myself. I have recycled my work, my films and books, into new journeys into the darkest abysses of our world. I have received hardly any support from the outside world. But I couldn’t stop: what I have been witnessing, the danger to the planet and total devastation, have forced me to never give up the struggle. If necessary and most of the time, I have done it alone. I spent too much time in Latin America; I could not give up. I learned too much from Cuba and so many other wonderful places; I felt I had no right to surrender.

Whenever the horrors from which our planet is suffering would overwhelm me, I’d ‘collapse’, as I did last year. Then I’d bury myself somewhere for a short period of time, collect myself together, get up and continue with my work and my struggle. I have never ceased to trust people. Some would come full of initial enthusiasm, offering much, then betray me, and leave. Still, I have never lost faith in human beings. This year, instead of slowing down, I ‘adopted’ one more place,which is in agony – Afghanistan.

My only request, my only demand has been, that the world listens, that it sees, that it tries to comprehend, before it is too late. This request of mine has proven to be, I realize now, too ‘demanding’, and too ‘radical’.

Sometimes I ask: have I achieved much? Have I opened many eyes? Have I managed to build many bridges between the different struggling parts of the world? As an internationalist I have to question my own actions, my effectiveness.

I have to admit, honestly: I don’t know the answers to my own questions. But I keep working and struggling.


The world looks different if observed and analyzed from a pub in Europe or North America, or if you are actually standing on one of those atolls in the middle of the South Pacific (Oceania) that are under the constant assault of tidal waves, dotted with dead stumps of palm trees pointing accusatively towards the sky. These islets are at the forefront of the battle for the survival of our planet, and they are obviously losing.

Everything also appears to be much more urgent but also ‘real’, when observed from the black and desolate plains of the hopelessly logged out Indonesian islands of Borneo/Kalimantan and Sumatra.

I used to recount in my essays, just for my readers to know, what the villages somewhere like Gomain the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), look and feel like, after the murderous assaults by the pro-Rwandese, and therefore pro-Western, militias. It was important for me to explain how things are ‘right in the middle of it’, on the ground. I used to write about mass rapes and mutilations, about the burning flesh, terrible torture… I stopped some time ago. You at least once witness all this or you simply didn’t. If you did then you know what it all looks like, what it feels like and smells like… or you could never imagine it, no matter how many books and reports you read, no matter how many images you consume.

I have been trying to speak about all this to the people in the West, at conferences, universities, or even through my films and books. They do listen, mostly respectfully. They do show politely how outraged and ‘horrified’ they are (it is ‘expected’ of them). Some say: ‘I want to do something’. Most of them do absolutely nothing, but even if they decide to take action, it is usually for themselves,just to feel good, to feel better, to convince their own conscience that they have actually ‘done at least something for the humanity’.

I used to blame them. I don’t, anymore. This is how the world is arranged. However, I have sharply reduced my work-visits to both North America and Europe. I don’t feel that I click with the people in those places. We don’t think the same way, we don’t feel the same, and even our logic and rationale are diametrically different.

My recent three-week stay in Europe clearly revealed to me, how little there is in common between the West’s state of mind and the reality in which the great majority of the world has been living.


In the past, before the Western empires and the sole“Empire” took most of determination and enthusiasm away from the people, the most talented of human beings used to make no distinction between their personal lives, their creativity and their relentless work and duty towards humanity.

In several places including Cuba, it is how many people still live.

In the West, everyone and everything is now fragmented and life itself became objectively meaningless: there is distinct time to work (satisfying one’s personal career, guaranteeing survival, advancing ‘prestige’ and ego), there is time to play, and for family life… and there is occasionally time to think about humanity or, very rarely, about the survival of our planet.

Needless to say, this selfish approach has failed in helping to advance the world. It has also squarely failed when it comes to stopping at least some of the monstrosities committed by Western imperialism.

When I go to the opera house or some great classical music concert, it is in order to get some deep inspiration, to get fired up about my work, to recycle the beauty that I’m expressing in my novels and films, theatre plays and even political reports. I never go to get simply ‘entertained’. It is never for my own needs only.

It is also essential for me to work closely with the people that I love, including my own mother who is already 82 years old.

It is because I know there is absolutely no time to waste. And also because everything is and should be intertwined in life: love, work, duty, and the struggle for the survival and progress of our world.


I may be labeled as a fanatic, but I am decisively choosing those C) and B) options from the ‘dilemmas’ I depicted above.

I am choosing rationality, now that the US ‘armada’ packed with the nuclear weapons is sailing towards both China and North Korea, now that the Tomahawk missiles have rained down on Syria, now that the West will be sending thousands more mercenaries to one of the most devastated countries on Earth – Afghanistan.

Survival and then the advancement of the world should be our greatest goal. I believe it and I stand by it. In time of absolute crises, which we are experiencing right now, it is irresponsible, almost grotesque, to simply ‘continue to live our daily lives’.

Imperialism has to be stopped, once and for all, by all means. At the moment when the survival of humanity is at stake, the end justifies all means. Or as the motto of Chile goes: “By Reason Or By Force”.

Of course, if those ‘who know’ do not act, if they are cowardly and opportunistically do nothing, from a universal perspective, nothing much will happen: one small planet in one of the so many galaxies will simply cease to exist.Most likely there are many inhabited planets in the universe, many civilizations.

However, I happen to love this world and this particular Planet. I know it well, from the Southernmost tip all the way to the north. I know its deserts and valleys, mountains and oceans, its marvelous and touching creatures, its great cities as well as god-forsaken villages. I know its people. They have many faults; and much that could be condemned in them, and much that should be improved. But I still believe that there is more that could be admired in them than denounced.

Now it is time to think, rationally and quickly, and then to act. No small patches will do, no ‘feel good’ actions. Only a total reset, overhaul. Call it the Revolution if you will, or simply C) and B). No matter how you define it, it would have to come rapidly, very rapidly, or there soon will be nothing to love, to defend, and to work for, anymore.


Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Three of his latest books are revolutionary novel “Aurora” and two bestselling works of political non-fiction: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and  Fighting Against Western Imperialism. View his other books here. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Al-Mayadeen. Watch Rwanda Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo. After having lived in Latin America, Africa and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
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